Talk Shows... Without a Regular Host?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 7/5/2017 1:00:00 AM
Talk shows can get repetitive. Here's how to fix that.
When I think of talk shows, one thing comes to mind, interviews between a host and A-List celebrities. Most of the time, the host starts out as a B-List celebrity.
You never see talk shows start off with a well known A-List celebrity, which makes sense, because most A-List celebrities would never commit to a long term contract doing a daily show.
That said, I think it would be pretty easy getting an A-List celebrity to commit to doing just one show a week... for a couple of months. That's the essence of today's idea. I think it would be great to see a show that doesn't have a regular host. Instead of the same old host each night, we'd not only see a fresh host each night, but a fresh batch of guests, because the hosts are bound to invite their own circle of friends.
A show like this has the potential to bring a lot of buzz to the talk show business.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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