Close All Apps at Once on iPhone and iPad
Staten Island, NY Posted: 10/5/2015 1:00:00 AM
I like simplicity.
I often see people flicking at their iPhone screens to get rid of all the "Open" Apps. Foe some people, that takes a long time, because their iPhone shows them dozens of these apps whenever they double tap the home button. Technically, these Apps aren't necessarily running, but Apple shows all the recently used Apps, whether they're running or not.
We've all been conditioned to put out things away, so even a lot of technical people like me still get the urge to "clean up" their iPhone by closing each and every one, until there're all gone. For what it's worth, anything past the last 5 screens is completely redundant because it takes longer to scroll through the recently used Apps than it would to launch them from scratch, so it's pointless that Apple shows them all.
Thankfully, the newer versions of iOS let you flick up to 3 screens at once, but in practice, it's hard to flick more than two at a time because the main screen is often in the way.
Wouldn't it be easier if Apple let you close everything at once, or at least let you limit the number of Apps it shows?
Even if those Apps aren't using up resources, does anyone actually want to scroll past dozens of closed apps?
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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