How Media Should Be Organized On Apple Devices (video)
Staten Island, NY Posted: 3/3/2016 1:00:00 AM
I hate the way media is organized on my iPhone.
One of the great things about iOS devices is that they can store many different types of media. The trouble is Apple doesn't do a good job of organizing things.
There are dedicated Apps for Photos, Videos, Podcasts, Books, Magazines and Music. Sounds simple enough, but some media blurs the lines between categories making it hard to pin down.
For example, the Video App has buttons for Movies, TV Shows and Music Videos, but it doesn't have an option to show videos you made yourself, which are located inside the Photos App.
Although it seems to make sense that music videos are located inside the Music App, they really shouldn't be there. They're already in the Videos App, and doesn't make sense for the Music App to include videos whenever you shuffle songs because they eat up a lot of data when they download. Besides, when you shuffle songs, who's even looking at the screen? If you wanted to see music videos, wouldn't it be better to just launch the Videos App?
Another problem with the Music App is that it also includes Audiobooks and Apple Radio, which should both be in their own dedicated Apps. Blending them together is confusing. Back in the early days, when you launched the iPod App, it was very easy navigating your own music. The drill down menu was simple, and intuitive, but the new design is a complete mess.
Speaking of Apple Radio, what the heck happened to it? When they first introduced it, it was a lot like Pandora. You could create your own custom "Stations" of your favorite kinds of music, and because it had commercials, it was free. When they introduced the new and improved version, it was no longer free, meanwhile they still show you all the stations you created when it was free. When you click on them, it asks you to join the pad version. No thanks. I'll stick with Pandora and iHeartRadio.
As I've blogged about before, I also think it's about time they create shared libraries for voice recordings like saved Voice Mail, Voice Memos, and Audiobooks.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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