A Dropbox BOX - A FAST USB Box That Syncs Even When Your Computer Is Off
Staten Island, NY Posted: 4/8/2016 1:00:00 AM
Here's a gadget I'd buy, if it existed. A USB connected drive that connects to DropBox in the background, so it's always updating, even when the computer is off.
As a bonus, you wouldn't need to install Dropbox software on your computer, so it won't use any resources.
The concept is simple, but I've yet to see a device that can pull this off. I've seen some NAS boxes that have a feature that lets you install plugins that include things like Dropbox, but they're way too complicated for most people to set up, and they have one big downside... Compared to a USB connected device, they're much slower.
What would be best is a USB or Thunderbolt based box that has fast transfers to and from the host computer, and also have a WiFi or Ethernet connection to sync with Dropbox in the background. The key advantage is that it not only syncs without needing a computer, but it gives the host computer much faster access without being bogged down with the job of actually syncing.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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