iPhones Should Automatically Shoot Videos in Landscape
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/8/2016 1:00:00 AM
Nobody likes videos shot in portrait mode.
With a regular camera, there are two distinct ways to hold your camera, "Portrait" and "Landscape". For a regular camera, Landscape is the default position, which yields wider photos. By holding a camera sideways, you get photos that are taller. Sounds simple enough, however when mobile phones came along, the default, natural position has always been Portrait mode... with taller images.
This means that most photos taken with a mobile phone tend to be in Portrait mode. With still photography, it's not a big deal, but for videos it's a complete mess. Whenever you play a video shot in Portrait mode on a regular (wide) screen, the video doesn't fill the whole screen.
Most screens today have a 16:9 aspect ratio, which means they are almost twice as wide as they are tall, so in order to play a video shot in Portrait mode on a regular screen, the video will have black bars on both sides, leaving nearly 50% of the screen blank.
The solution is pretty simple, the iPhone should always shoot videos in Landscape mode, regardless of how you hold the camera.
Technically, based on the current camera sensor specifications, it wouldn't be possible to shoot 4K video while holding the camera in Portrait mode, but it definitely would have enough resolution to shoot 1080 video regardless of the way you hold the camera.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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