The iPhone Calculator App Should Have a Tape Option
Staten Island, NY Posted: 7/14/2016 1:00:00 AM
It's hard adding up multiple numbers without a tape, like an adding machine.
You should never use a calculator to add up a bunch of numbers, because there's a good chance you won't notice if you entered a wrong digit in one of the numbers. That's why accounting people use Adding Machines, because they have a register tape that you can use to confirm all the numbers.
Unfortunately, the iOS Calculator App doesn't have a "Tape Mode", to show you a history of all the numbers you've entered.
I think the easiest way to implement it would be to make it an option when you put the calculator sideways. Right now, rotating sideways turns on the Scientific Calculator, which most people will never use. Rather than eliminating the Scientific Calculator, there should be a button to switch modes, or a way to swipe sideways and swap between modes.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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