How To Free Up Space on Your iPhone Without Deleting Photos or Videos
Staten Island, NY Posted: 8/24/2016 1:00:00 AM
Follow these steps to free up space on your iPhone!
One of the most common problems with the iPhone is running out of space. It's one of my most asked questions about the iPhone because it can be so tricky figuring out what to do when you don't even have enough room to take one more photo or video.
If you follow the steps in my video, you will be able to get back most of your space, without losing any of your photos or videos. The key is understanding where iPhone stores photos and videos sent via text messages, which isn't optimized, and how to move them to iCloud, where they take up very little space on your iPhone.
The main problem is that photos and videos take up a lot of space. Because of this, Apple has a great option to optimize space by storing your photos and videos in the cloud, while keeping only tiny thumbnail versions on your iPhone. This can make a 2 GB video file take up virtually nothing until you want to play it, but there's a catch. It only does this for photos and videos in your iCloud Photos Library, and it doesn't optimize anything sent via text messages in the Messages App.
The key is to move any photos and videos from your text messages to the Photos App, and to make sure you've configured the Photos App to optimize iPhone storage.
In summary:
1. You need to turn on the iCloud Photo Library.
2. You need to change the setting to optimize iPhone storage in the Photos and Camera settings.
3. You need to move photos and videos sent as text messages to your photo library.
4. AFTER your photos and videos are safely in your iCloud Photo Library, you can delete them from the Messaging App.
The net result is that you will not lose any of your photos or videos, and you will get back a ton of space. The only drawback is that you won't see the photos in the Messages App, but they will be safely inside the Photos App.
These instructions wouldn't be needed if a Apple followed an idea I posted earlier this year: Why Photos and Videos Sent Via Texts Should Be Stored in iCloud Photos
You can see step by step instructions in my video.
Related video:
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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