Apple Needs a Dedicated Feature for Emergency Contacts
Staten Island, NY Posted: 9/2/2016 1:00:00 AM
Did you know that Apple has a feature to show emergency contacts on your lock screen?
Most people don't know that Apple has a way to show emergency contacts on the lock screen, because it's buried inside the "Health App", where very few people even notice it. That's pretty strange, considering how important it is.
What Apple needs to do is either create a dedicated ICE App that is easy to find, or at the very least, give people an easy way to flag people in your Contacts List as being an "Emergency Contact". All you would need to do is check each contact you want to see in your lock screen and they will be available on the lock screen in the event that police, ambulance drivers, paramedics or emergency room staff need to reach your family in an emergency.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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