What BUGS Me About Apple's Contacts
Staten Island, NY Posted: 12/20/2016 1:00:00 AM
Contacts is one of Apple's oldest Apps, but it hasn't been improved in years.
It drives me crazy when I use the Contacts App, and I see multiple versions of the same person. This is the result of merging contacts from Gmail, AOL, and Microsoft Outlook that took place over the years. Because of this, some of my contacts are listed 3 or 4 times with various combinations of information. Some have nothing but an email address, while others have a separate entry for their home, work, and mobile numbers.
It wouldn't be as bad if Apple gave us a quick way to merge contacts together. The best they can do is "Link Contacts", which isn't as useful as it should be. To me, there's no point in linking contacts when the better solution is letting you merge them together. In cases where there are overlapping addresses or numbers, they should either include them all, or give you an option to select the most current version. Above all, the main objective is to have just one entry per person... without linking.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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