Idea for car makers... Add USB / Power ports ABOVE the mirror too.
Staten Island, NY Posted: 9/21/2014 1:00:00 AM
They always say "Necessity is the mother of invention". I need this, and it bugs me that car makers don't realize how useful this would be.
A lot of us mount USB powered devices like cell phones and GPS units in our cars, but we tend to want to power them while we drive so they don't drain the battery.
This means the stupid wires hang in front of our center console.
That's not only ugly, but it's a potential hazard if somebody knocks into the wire, and yanks the cell phone or GPS from the windshield.
All it would take to avoid this is for car makers to put a couple of mini USB jacks above the mirror.
While I'm on the subject... why not standardize an OEM mounting port that securely connects to the top of the dash or the window frame? I'm tired of using third-party suction cups.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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