Apple Should Give You the Choice to Archive or Delete Emails on iPhones / iPads
Staten Island, NY Posted: 9/23/2014 1:00:00 AM
Swipe Right to Mark Read or Archive
This sounds so obvious to me, but for some reason Apple only gives you one option when you swipe right... Mark as Read. Why is there no quick option for archiving?
My Inbox is stuffed is because I configured my left swipe for "Deleted Mailbox" (so I can delete Spam). Now, I have no quick way to archive the other messages using my iOS devices... so the Inbox keeps growing.
I'm fully aware I can change the "Trash" setting to "Archive Mailbox" which will make a left swipe say "Archive" instead, but that means I will also be archiving Spam, Facebook notifications and tons of things I want gone for good... not archived.
The bottom line, some messages you want to delete, some you want to archive. Just give us the choice and we'll clean up our mailboxes in record time.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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