Lockable iPad Apps
Staten Island, NY Posted: 1/25/2017 1:00:00 AM
Whenever you allow your friends and family to use your iPad, you are also inviting them to read your email.
We all know Apple's iPhone and iPad are very secure. In fact, even law enforcement have a hard time unlocking them. There is, however one small problem. A lot of people unlock their iPads to let friends and family members play games, surf the Web or watch movies, and that means they also gain access to most of your private information such as email, photos, shopping and social media accounts.
The solution to this is pretty simple. Apple needs to create an option to assign a second Passcode to grant access to Apps that need an additional layer of security. This will allow people give friends and family access to less secure Apps without giving them access to more sensitive information.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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