Why iPhones Run Out of Space
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/21/2017 1:00:00 AM
It's Apple's fault that iPhones run out of space.
When people run out of space on their iPhone, the first thing they do is start deleting photos, videos, and Apps. While that may free up space for a while, it doesn't address the true cause for running out of space in the first place, and it's Apple's fault.
I created a popular video on the subject of fixing the problem, today I'm talking about the cause.
Photos and videos are definitely part of the problem, but what most people don't realize is that the real problem is WHERE those photos and videos are stored. That's because Apple stores photos and videos in two different places on your iPhone. The most obvious place is in the "Camera Roll" of your Photos App. That's where all the photos and videos you shot with your iPhone go.
While these photos have the potential for filling up your iPhone's capacity, you can easily overcome this by turning on Apple's iCloud, which can automatically free up space by storing your photos and videos in the cloud, and only storing a tiny thumbnail on your iPhone. This has the potential to give you virtually unlimited storage for photos and videos.
The real culprit is the photos and videos you receive from text messages. Unlike the photos and videos stored in the Photos App, they are NOT stored in iCloud, so they take up a ton of space. I've seen iPhones with 5-10 GB of photos and videos in the Messages App. On a 16 GB iPhone, that leaves you with virtually nothing for anything else, and there is no option to store these photos in iCloud.
Apple can solve this problem by allowing you to store these items in iCloud too. This would give people with 16 or 32 GB models a lot more room without needing to upgrade to a higher capacity model. Perhaps Apple likes it that way. It sells a lot more upgrades.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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