Mostly Sunny Currently - Why check to see that? What's the temperature?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 10/7/2014
When we check the weather, what do we look for first?
The answer seems too obvious to me, but I'll answer it here, because apparently some of the people at Apple's sunny Cupertino office haven't thought this one out.
9 times out of 10, it's because we want to know what to expect when we go out.
Here's the thing. Before stepping out for lunch, I grab my phone, hit the button and drag down where I expect to see the current temperature.
Currently Sunny. The high will be 70, the low 59.
Yes. I have a window. I can see it's sunny. I just want to know if I need my jacket.
With an 11 degree split between the high and the low, I have no clue if I need my jacket. I've got news for you, when I do a quick check like that, I don't care what the high will be... or the low. I just want to know what to expect if I go outside right now.
I love the quick notification page. Yesterday it told me how long it will take to get to McDonalds (thanks for reminding me I ate there the same time last Monday), but if you're going to include the weather, the current temperature is more important than the highs and the lows.
That's like checking your watch, then reading that it'll be AM and PM today, without saying what the current time is.
Sometimes it tells you what the current temperature is, sometimes it doesn't. Every time it doesn't show me the current temperature, I have to manually go to the dedicated Weather App. So, why bother putting it there.
... And another thing.
I've noticed that the Weather App frequently reports outdated numbers for the highs and lows for the day. Here's a typical scenario.
Today's High: 90
Today's Low: 75
Current Temperature: 98
Do you see what's wrong here?
I realize that in the morning the Weather Services PROJECTED a high of 90, but if the CURRENT temperature is 98... isn't that higher? Doesn't it make sense to report that as the high?
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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