A USB Encryptor Hub - Hardware Encryption for Any USB Storage Device
Staten Island, NY Posted: 12/14/2014 1:00:00 AM
There are literally thousands of USB Storage devices on the market. Only a few have hardware encryption.
For many people who handle private information, encryption isn't just a luxury, it's a requirement. The trouble is, there are so few USB devices on the market that have hardware encryption.
The handful of devices that do support hardware encryption are generally relatively small Flash drives that have a 4 digit number pad on top that don't have much capacity. If they want larger capacity, the only option is software encryption, which often involves installing software on every computer they use.
Today's idea is a USB hub with a number pad on top, where you can plug in any off-the-shelf USB storage device. Once you plug in a device that requires encryption, you enter the encryption key and it will use hardware encryption to encrypt every file stored on it.
Since it's hardware based, the encryption can be at the lowest block level, making even the partition and the directory structure itself completely encrypted. With this level of encryption drive itself seem completely blank to anyone without the encryption key and device. This is known as "Plausible Deniability", which means there is know way to even know for sure if the owner even put any data on the drive, and nobody could prove otherwise.
The length of the encryption key could potentially be variable, depending on how secure the information is. For simple security, perhaps 4 or 6 digits, but for law enforcement or government use, the key could be significantly longer, and even involve a two step element, sending a WiFi signal to an App on the owner's SmartPhone.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe