Siri Should Let You Launch Some Apps Without Unlocking The Phone
Staten Island, NY Posted: 3/3/2015 1:00:00 AM
Me: "Launch Pandora"
Siri: "You'll need to unlock your iPhone first"
If I could unlock my phone, I wouldn't need to use Siri in the first place.
One of the great things about Siri is that you can tell it to do things without even touching your phone. This is perfect for running or driving, because you can't easily reach for your phone.
The trouble is, Apple doesn't let you launch third party Apps without unlocking the phone first. That's pretty pointless. There are plenty of Apps like Pandora, Audible, iHeartRadio and Amazon Music that are completely harmless to launch without unlocking the phone first.
They already have a section in the Settings Menu to designate which features Siri can access while in the lock screen. The trouble is they don't allow any third party Apps to be included in the list of available features. All Apple would have to do is allow third party Apps the ability to be added to that list.
To be safe, Apple should only allow certain features while locked, such as playing the last track, channel, book, or playlist that was playing before the phone was locked.
This would insure that the only thing an unauthorized user could do with a locked phone is play harmless songs or books.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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