iPhone Should Announce Caller Names When Wearing Headsets
Staten Island, NY Posted: 3/14/2015 1:00:00 AM
Don't you hate when you don't know who's calling?
Almost everyone looks at their caller ID before answering the phone, in order to decide if they want to answer. Being able to screen calls is an essential way to eliminate unwanted calls from telemarketers, surveys, collectors, not to mention bosses wondering if you can come in on the weekend to finish those TPS Reports.
Suffice it to say, we all love caller ID. But what about those times when you simply can't see the screen?
For example, when I walk my dog, I wear headphones and keep my iPhone safely tucked away in a holster. It's even harder to see in the winter when it's pretty much buried under a heavy winter coat. If a call comes in, I have no way to know who it is, so I'm forced to answer every call.
A simple solution is for the iPhone to have an option to have Siri announce the caller ID information over the headset. This way, you don't even need to see the screen to know who it is.
Apple's solution to this problem is to see the caller ID info on their new Apple Watch. While that's not a bad option for runners, it's still hard to see while wearing a heavy winter coat.
A feature like this could also come in handy with text messages. Instead of hearing a sound effect while jogging, wouldn't it be better if Siri just read you the message and told you who it was from?
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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