Sending a Code To Bypass Silent Ringers
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/21/2015 1:00:00 AM
When you call for help, the last thing you want is a silent ringer.
Most phones have a feature to make them silent, but I've never seen a feature to allow a caller to bypass that feature when it's urgent that their call gets through, and that the ringer is as loud as it can be.
The key here is that when a truly urgent call needs to get though, the best way to insure the ringer is not only turned on, but at the loudest possible setting. To make this happen, the phone would have a feature to enter a password that will trigger the ringer, at the loudest setting.
Although Apple has a mode called "Do Not Disturb" that can by bypassed when a caller makes a second attempt within 3 minutes, this merely means that the phone will get through. So, if the recipient has set their ringer volume very low, or on vibrate, they still might not get through.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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