Snapple Tea Bags. Where are they?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 8/30/2015 1:00:00 AM
A while back, you could find Snapple Tea Bags in supermarkets.
Snapple's slogan is "Made from the best stuff on Earth", which means the most important ingredient in their Iced tea... is tea.
Tea is the most popular drink in the word, so it makes sense that tea bags made from their tea would be a huge seller.
Some people may think that selling their tea might hurt sales of their bottled versions, but the truth is, it only further improves their brand. It's not unusual for a beverage company to sell their main ingredients to the public for making their own drinks at home.
For example, Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts sell the same coffee beans they use for their coffee in supermarkets, and tea companies like Lipton, Nestle / Nestea, and Arizona all sell tea bags that use the same tea as their bottled teas, so why is it that Snapple isn't available in stores anymore? I couldn't even find any on Amazon, and they have pretty much everything.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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