Wireless iPhone Charging
Staten Island, NY Posted: 9/26/2015 1:00:00 AM
I hate wires.
I went to Ikea the other day and discovered that they sell all sorts of wireless charging devices, including quite a few that are fully integrated with their furniture.
Wireless charging isn't new, but it was the first time I saw a non-tech company embrace the idea. Some of their chargers can be built into various desks, tables and lamps, while others were standalone units that look like drink coasters that can be placed anywhere.
All you have to do is place your phone on top of the charging pad and viola... it starts charging. There's one small catch, none of Apple's phones support wireless charging.
In order to use Ikea's chargers with an iPhone, you have to buy a special case with a wireless charger receiver, but that adds bulk to the phone. It would be much better if Apple had built-in support for wireless charging.
Wireless charging isn't new to Apple. The Apple Watch uses a wireless charger, so perhaps they will eventually bring this technology to iPhones, iPads, and even MacBooks. Until then, we're stuck with the cords.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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