Periscope For Windows and Mac
Staten Island, NY Posted: 12/31/2015 1:00:00 AM
Bring the fun to your desktop!
Twitter's new Periscope service is amazing. It lets people from around the world create live video feeds to share whatever they're doing at that moment. Since it's essentially a live service, almost everything is real-time. When you launch Periscope and share your moment, anyone from around the world can tune in and make comments. That's pretty slick... and it's catching on very quickly.
The only problem is that Periscope doesn't work on Windows or Mac... you can only use it from a mobile device. While I understand their original intention is for people to get outside and share what you're doing, I think there's an even bigger potential for a traditional desktop or laptop experience.
Why not let people choose whether they want to use a mobile device, or their Mac or Windows PC?
They already have a Periscope for Apple TV, so why not release a desktop version. If nothing else, why not let people tune in from the website?
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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