Why Don't More iPhone Apps Support Landscape Mode?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 4/14/2016 1:00:00 AM
Isn't it strange that some of the most popular iPhone Apps don't work in landscape mode?
It's bad enough that some of the smaller independent developers don't support it, but some of the most popular Apps such as Apple's own Music App, Facebook, and LinkedIn still don't support it.
I'm sure some developers feel it's easy enough to just flip the phone over and use the Apps in portrait mode, but that's missing the point. The fact is some people prefer landscape mode, especially if they mount their phones on their dashboards as a GPS.
As a programmer, I know it's not that difficult to design an App that uses both portrait and landscape mode. Even a novice developer can do that. A more seasoned developer can not only support landscape mode, but take advantage of the extra space to build an entirely different look and feel.
While I'm not surprised that some developers fail to take advantage of landscape mode, it's truly hard to believe Apps like Apple Music, Facebook, and LinkedIn don't support it.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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