An Option to Use Lower Resolution Videos While On Mobile Data
Staten Island, NY Posted: 4/19/2016 1:00:00 AM
Right now, the only way to reduce your mobile data usage is to turn off mobile data on data hungry Apps like YouTube. Why does it have to be all or nothing?
If you're like most people, your mobile phone plan has a limit on how much data you can use each month. The trouble is, today's high resolution screens use 4-5 times more data than older screens, especially for full HD video.
Most smartphones have a crude solution to the problem, they let you decide which Apps have access to mobile data, and which ones don't. That's pretty lame. Why should you have to turn mobile data off when using Apps like YouTube, just because your new higher resolution screen uses too much data?
Instead of turning off mobile data, wouldn't it be easier to configure Apps like YouTube to use 480p or lower, rather than 1080p?
In a nutshell, it's an option to let you individually decide what the maximum resolution will be for both WiFi and Mobile Data. This means you can still watch cat videos at full resolution whenever you're on WiFi, but whenever you're on mobile data, it would drop down to a lower resolution.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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