An Option To Launch Audio Apps Without Unlocking
Staten Island, NY Posted: 6/12/2016 1:00:00 AM
Why does Siri ask me to unlock my phone when I ask to Launch harmless Apps like Audible?
Security is very important to Apple, so it's understandable why they don't allow you to launch certain Apps without unlocking your iPhone first, however there are quite a few Apps that are completely harmless that should be allowed to launch without unlocking.
For example, Audible, Pandora, Amazon Music, Shazam, Sirius XM, iHeartRadio and countless streaming Apps have no security risks whatsoever, yet you can't launch them from Siri without unlocking the iPhone first. That's a real pain in the neck when you're simply trying to launch your favorite audio Apps while running, walking, or driving.
All Apple would need to do to allow this feature is to confirm that the App has no potential security risks, then allow the user use the Settings Menu to decide which Apps they want to allow it to launch while locked.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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