iPhone's Shake to UNDO is a STUPID Feature.
Staten Island, NY Posted: 8/8/2016 1:00:00 AM
Shake to Undo? What the heck was Apple thinking?
Did you know you can shake your iPhone to undo something? From the surprised reactions of people who see me do it, I'm guessing there aren't many people who even know about this hidden feature, and that's one of the reasons Apple needs to re-think it.
What frustrates me is that sometimes you have to shake it pretty hard to get it to work, while other times it's too sensitive and it responds to every major bump in the road when it's mounted on my Jeep's dashboard. That's a problem on multiple levels. Since you need to shake it hard, there's always the chance that it will slip out of your hands... and when it's too sensitive, the popups asking you if you'd like to undo something drive you nuts.
What's even worse than the sensitivity issues is the simple fact that so few people even know it exists, which makes the feature virtually useless. The simple solution is to display an on-screen undo option right after you delete something. It doesn't need to take up a lot of space, but it will be completely obvious to people how to use it.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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