Apple's Maps App Needs an Intersection Feature
Staten Island, NY Posted: 9/5/2016 1:00:00 AM
One thing missing from Apple's Maps App is the ability to get directions to an intersection.
One of my favorite features of a traditional GPS device is the ability to locate the intersection of two streets, because I often don't have an exact street address, but I know that it it's near an intersection.
So instead of guessing a number or name of your favorite Italian restaurant, it would be great to just tell the GPS to find the corner of Hylan Blvd and Benton Avenue.
Technically, you can specify an intersection manually, but there should be a specific feature with an icon that asks you for both street names.
This reminds me of other "Hidden" iPhone features, like Shake to Undo that should have a clear menu option.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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