How Apple Can Improve AirPods
Staten Island, NY Posted: 1/20/2017 1:00:00 AM
I love my AirPods, but Apple needs to make a few changes.
Apple's AirPods look and feel just like Apple's original EarPods, with one major difference, there are no wires... or buttons. None of us miss the wires, but overcoming the lack of control buttons is a bit harder.
Apple's solution to the lack of buttons is to let you double tap the AirPod to answer the phone, activate Siri and do things like pause, resume, or adjust the volume.
There's also an option to change this default behavior by letting you pause and resume playback when you double tap, instead of launching Siri. To me, that's not an easy decision. I like the idea of pausing without talking to Siri, but there are definitely times when I need Siri to do something more complex, so I like the option of launching Siri.
The trouble is, you have to choose one option or the other. You can't have both options, but when you think of it... Why not? Alter all, you have TWO ears. Why not arrange it so that you can configure your left side to launch Siri, and your right to pause?
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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