iPhone and iPad Keyboards Should Show Numbers Too
Staten Island, NY Posted: 10/3/2014 1:00:00 AM
Hey Apple! Now that the screens are bigger... Give us the option to put numbers on the keyboard!
This one is a no brainer. Let's face it, everyone needs to type numbers, and it's a pain in the neck having to hit a button that turns on the numbers... then hit another button to change back to letters.
I realize that even with the larger screens, when the iPhone is sideways, there isn't much room, but when it's upright, these larger screens have plenty of room for the number row.
Now that iOS lets you have multiple keyboard options, make the number row an option. Some people will want it, some won't. At least give us the choice. In fact, instead of going into the settings menu to turn it on and off, just create an on-screen toggle where the International keyboard option is.
Android and Microsoft Mobile Keyboard should have the option too!
Some Windows and Android phones, especially the larger Galaxy and Galaxy Note are definitely large enough to slip in the number row... but they haven't expanded their keyboards either.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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