Expand Reagan's Star Wars Initiative
Staten Island, NY Posted: 8/24/2017 1:00:00 AM
Back in the 80's, a lot of people opposed Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative. It's time we expand on it even further.
It's time we put politics behind us, and do whatever it takes to insure the world is safe from nuclear weapons. The best way to do that is to expand on Ronald Reagan's SDI program, and make sure that any nuclear attack on the US, or ANY country can be PREVENTED.
Many people opposed Reagan's SDI program because they felt it would EXPAND the Cold War, because it could potentially give the US a First Strike Advantage, because it could allow us to shoot down the USSR's first wave of missiles, so that we could respond with our own. While that rhetoric might've had some truth in the 80s, the reality is we still don't have this kind of technology, and we absolutely NEED it right now, because there are far more missiles in the world than ever before, and many of them are in the hands of terrorists and rogue nations like North Korea.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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