Milli Vanilli Wasn't Fake?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 8/19/2017 1:00:00 AM
Do you remember Milli Vanilli?
Milli Vanilli were the hottest group of the early 90s. They had a string of top-40 hits, won all sorts of awards including Grammy Awards for best new group, and they sold tons of records. What could go wrong? Everything.
The problem was they were accused of being a "fake group", when it was revealed that they didn't sing on their own records or music videos. It was a huge scandal, and they were even stripped of their Grammy Awards.
Here's the thing. HOW can ANYONE be considered a "Fake Group?" That simply doesn't make sense. If a group makes a record, it's a group. If people like the music, they'll buy the records and play them on the radio. What's the difference WHO lip synched the songs on MTV. There was still SOMEBODY who sang the songs. They sold the records. They (should've) won the Grammy Awards. I don't see anything "fake" about it.
The moment the news broke about two actors lip synching their music, they should've simply turned the spotlight on the REAL singers in the group. They deserved all the awards. They were, the Real Milli Vanilli, yet they never got the recognition they deserved, and that's a shame.
As far as I'm concerned, music... is music. Awards, and record sales should be based on the music alone. I could care less if they put cartoon cats on the record cover. Deep down, there had to be real people in the group, but they never got credit for it.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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