God Bless America vs The Star Spangled Banner
Staten Island, NY Posted: 7/31/2017 9:49:34 PM
God Bless America should be our National Anthem.
Whenever I hear The Star Spangled Banner, I can't help but compare it to God Bless America. They're both great songs, but as far as I'm concerned, God Bless America is simply... better.
God Bless America beats The Star Spangled Banner in every way possible. The words are are beautiful and easier to understand. Let's face it.
When people in other countries hear words like "bombs bursting in air", you know at least some of them will see that as aggression, especially since we're a military super power. They don't know the context of those words, and frankly, they confuse some American too.
Meanwhile, every word of God Bless America is simply beautiful and inspiring. Simply stated. It's a great song and it's a shame it isn't our National Anthem. Thankfully a lot of baseball stadiums play the Kate Smith or Ray Charles versions during the 7th Inning Stretch. It's a start.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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