Sleeveless Snuggies!
Staten Island, NY Posted: 4/1/2015 1:00:00 AM
Snuggies are nice, but your hands get cold.
The key to a great invention is finding simple solutions that people overlook. That's how I came up with this idea.
While traveling among the Gunga tribes on the remote island of Galunga, I noticed that they often took turns passing around an odd looking ball filled with warmed up monkey urine. As each one rolled the the strange "MonkeyPeePeeBalls" back and forth before passing it along, I wondered if this was some kind of religious ritual.
As it turns out, the Gunga Galungans were passing the warmed up monkey urine balls simply to warm their hands, which were sticking out from their Snuggies. I knew right then and there that I had to find some way to make sure they could have warm hands without warming up money urine.
I spent the next 18 months in deep study and I came to the conclusion that their hands were cold, because they were sticking out of their Snuggies. For the next 3 years, I tried at least 275 failed ideas, including creating a Snuggie with pouches on each sleeve to hold a live monkey (to get fresher urine).
I finally realized the only way I could solve this problem was to totally think outside the box, and try to come up with a solution that doesn't include warmed up monkey urine.
As it turns out, that was the turning point. Sometimes when you are trying to invent something new, you need to look at the problem from a completely different perspective. Of course! Who says the solution would still involve warmed up monkey urine?
Once I eliminated any idea that involved warmed up monkey urine, new ideas started to flow. I must admit. It wasn't easy. I must've tried at least 100 more ideas, and 75 of them still had warmed up monkey urine. Even though the other 25 didn't work, at least I knew I had the capacity to think outside the box.
Thankfully, like all great inventors, I never gave up and that's how I came up with what is likely to be my greatest invention, the Sleeveless Snuggie.
Rather than flaunting my science background by getting into technical details, I discovered that when you keep your hands UNDER the blanket, they remain significantly warmer.
The funny thing about great inventions is that once it hits you, you can't help but wonder why you never thought of it before. Imagine that. A Snuggie without sleeves.
You may be wondering why I'm sharing this idea here, rather than making billions selling it on my own. The truth is, my satisfaction comes from knowing I've made a difference.
I take great satisfaction just knowing that because of my hard work, nobody will ever need to pass around a ball full of warmed up monkey urine again... unless they want to.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe