Digital String on Your Finger... To Remind You You Left Something Behind...
Staten Island, NY Posted: 9/25/2014 1:00:00 AM
Some of you may be familiar with a bunch of new products, such as "The Tile", which are tiny Bluetooth devices that you can hang on your keychain or attach to things you think you might lose. Once you realize you lost something, they use Bluetooth to help you locate them.
I actually bought 12 Tiles, thinking I'll never lose anything important again... then the other day, I forgot something at a client's office 40 miles away, but I didn't realize it until I got home. The Tile didn't help. I knew where it was, but the next day, I had to drive 80 miles round trip to pick it up.
Wouldn't it be great if devices like The Tile could warn you BEFORE you leave something behind?
To me, stopping me from leaving things behind is an even more important use for a gadget like that than finding it.
Like all good inventions, the beauty is in the simplicity. This is an easy invention or feature upgrade. Just put your Tile or other Bluetooth device such as a FitBit next to the thing you don't want to forget, and trigger the App to tell you when your phone is out of range.
Had I had such as feature the other day, it would've told me I left my item behind the moment I got into my car.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe