Emergency Contact Info Needs to Bypass Locked Phone
Staten Island, NY Posted: 9/22/2014 1:00:00 AM
Congratulations. The new law that requires auto-locking phones can kill you.
That may sound a bit extreme, but the new law that requires cell phone makers to include anti-theft protection also prevents emergency responders from using your cell phone to contact your designated "In case of emergency" (ICE) contacts.
Emergency responders and hospital doctors often need to make quick medical decisions, so every minute counts. Anyone with special medical needs such as diabetes, allergies, etc. is risking inadequate or incorrect treatment.
Cell phone makers need to make emergency contact information accessible at all times, without unlocking the phone.
This information should be part of the initial phone setup, and cell phone owners should be encouraged to insure that it's always up to date.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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