A Bedside Book Projector - Read Books on the Ceiling!
Staten Island, NY Posted: 1/6/2015 1:00:00 AM
If you read in bed, you either have to sit up, or try to hold the book above your face. Wouldn't it be more comfortable if you could just read it on the ceiling?
One of the best ways to get a good night's sleep is to read a book before you go to bed, but what if you want to read while you're laying down. It's not comfortable, and that takes away from the experience. An easy solution would be a book reader that projects your books right on the ceiling.
As a device paired with a tablet, you would just launch your book reader, pick a book and select a font size that's comfortable, then start reading. To turn the page, the App could wait for you to snap your fingers, clap your hands or even use your voice to say "turn page". A more advanced version could use a simple wireless remote.
Since the objective is to let you relax, it could be configured to assume you are asleep if you don't turn the page for more than 5 minutes or so.
Technically, if it paired with a Kindle or iPad, it could project movies too, but since many people already have a TV in their bedrooms, I don't know if that would be as popular, but who knows? Maybe people would love to watch TV on their ceiling too. As for me, I'd just love to read books in bed.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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Posted: 2/26/2015 11:30:07 PM
Simply Jim, Newbie - Web
Love it!
I'd buy one. I hate holding a book or a Kindle over my head in bed.
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Posted: 8/1/2015 1:50:49 PM
DrewSali, Newbie - Web
Someone please take my money
I want to order one of these right now. My arms are so tired lol
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Posted: 5/27/2017 10:17:29 PM
Joe Crescenzi, Founder - Staten Island, NY
Still nothing like it.
I'm still hoping somebody makes something like this. I love to read in bed, but I hate holding my Kindle.
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