How to Get RID of Personal Clutter
Staten Island, NY Posted: 8/11/2017 1:00:00 AM
It's not easy getting rid of personal items.
Many people find it hard getting rid of personal items because they're afraid they'll lose the memories that are attached to them. That's why so many people have closets, garages, and attics full of personal items.
I have to admit, I'm one of those people, but I'm starting to make progress. In the past couple of years, I've thrown out hundreds of plastic tote boxes full of objects that I've been saving since my childhood, simply because they remind me of my past. The root of the problem is the fact that so many of those objects remind me of places I've been, people I've known, and thing's I've done. When you throw objects like that away, you get this feeling inside that you no longer care about the memories they represent, so you tuck them away so you can always remember them.
It's not easy shaking that feeling, but what I've found best is taking a photo of the objects before getting rid of them. Once you've got a photo of the object, it's a lot easier getting rid of the object.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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