Lookalike Finder Site
Staten Island, NY Posted: 2/9/2016 1:00:00 AM
A site to find people who look like you!
About a year ago, somebody sent me a photo of somebody that looked just like me. It only took me a second to realize it wasn't me, but for a moment I actually thought it was. That made me realize that at this very moment, there are probably hundreds of people in the world that either look like me right now... or look like an older or younger version of my present self.
If you've used face tagging on Facebook, Google's Picasa, or Apple's Photos apps, chances are you've been amazed by just how accurate face recognition software can be, and by how it will occasionally confuse family members who have similar faces. By taking advantage of this confusion, it would be pretty easy to build a website that allows people to upload photos and have the face recognition software find people from all around the world that look like you.
The idea would be simple. You visit a site with a name like LookalikeFinder.Com, then upload some photos and wait for matches. As the site grows in popularity and the number of photos submitted increases, the number of matches will increase, and the site can send you new matches as they are submitted.
To start things off, the site can use photos and painting of past and present celebrities and historic figures. Who knows, maybe you'll discover you look like someone from a 500 year old painting?
This would also be a great idea for a mobile App.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe