Phones Should Let You Shoot Landscape Videos... Regardless of How You Hold Them.
Staten Island, NY Posted: 10/15/2014 1:00:00 AM
Don't you hate when somebody plays a video on their widescreen TV that was shot vertical?
Yes, I know people love to hold their phones vertically. It's more comfortable. The trouble is when you shoot videos that way, they look terrible when you play them back on anything but the phone.
The solution is so simple, but somehow the major manufacturers haven't addressed it. The video should be recorded in landscape regardless of what position you hold it. Naturally, there should be an option to turn it off, if for some reason you actually want to shoot a vertical video.
Frankly, unless you are trying to film somebody who is standing right in front of you and you don't want the person standing next to them in the shot.... you will always want to shoot horizontal. If you haven't noticed, your computer monitors and home TV are horizontal, so everything you shoot should be landscape / horizontal too.
[h3[How can manufacturers do it?[/h3]
The sensors inside today's cell phones are big... real big. They have enough pixels in any given axis to let you orient the phone in any angle, and still give you a horizontal video.
In fact, since all cell phones have internal gyroscopes, they could theoretically eliminate all sorts of oddball angles and even beef up the stabilization quite a bit. It just comes down to software.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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