Longer iPhone / iPad Cables
Staten Island, NY Posted: 12/25/2014 1:00:00 AM
Why doesn't Apple make longer cables?
When Apple designed the iPhone, they made some assumptions, including how long the cable should be. The length they chose was about 3 feet long (1 meter), the perfect length if you plan on plugging it into your computer. Not bad, assuming your computer is a laptop.
But is 3 feet long enough if you don't use a laptop... and it's a big tower under your desk? Or if you don't even have a computer, and you just want to plug it into a wall?
So, Apple eventually released a 6.5 foot cord (2 meters)... That may solve the problem of using a tower under your desk, but it's still not long enough for people who need a bit more flexibility in where they charge their devices.
If you plan on using it from your sofa or near your bed, unless the outlet is right near where you plan on sitting, you're out of luck.
I wanted at least 10 feet, so I eventually found one on Amazon, I was so happy I ordered 3. A couple of months later, Apple did a software update that basically detected the fact that my cable was an "Unauthorized Accessory", and it warned me not to use it. The same thing happened to all 3 cables, so I looked for another one. This time it was from a reputable vendor that claimed to be fully compatible, and they specifically said their cables would be recognized as compatible. So, I ordered 3 of them and was happy to see the warning message went away, until the next update rendered them useless, again.
That's when I learned that Apple requires each manufacturer to be certified, and it's not just a quality control. They embed some sort of electronics that effectively certifies they are licensed.
Since that time, I finally found a third party cord that was long, and certified, but it was hard to find. Believe me, I wanted to buy a genuine Apple power cord; the only reason I bought those no-name cords was because Apple does't make cords longer than 6.5 feet.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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