Unsweetened Snapple. Why is it So Hard to Find?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 9/24/2015 1:00:00 AM
It's easier to find Bigfoot than it is to find Unsweetened Snapple Iced Tea.
I've never seen Unsweetened Snapple Iced Tea in stores, in spite of the fact I drink unsweetened Iced Tea almost every day. That's pretty strange, considering they are one of the most popular brands of Iced Tea.
Obviously this has a lot to do with a lack of shelf space, but Snapple should encourage retailers to use some of their shelf-space for Unsweetened Ice Tea. Most of them already carry dozens of other Snapple flavors, so they can drop one of them without any drop in sales.
They shouldn't assume that people who don't drink their sweetened versions are looking for Diet versions that contain artificial sweeteners.
The bottom line is some people like plain tea. If stores are going to carry dozens of flavors of tea, doesn't it make sense to carry plain tea too?
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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