The iPhone Should Work in Any Direction, Including Upside Down
Staten Island, NY Posted: 2/15/2016 1:00:00 AM
Why can't you use your iPhone upside down?
It's pretty strange that you can rotate an iPad in any direction, but you can't do the same thing with any iPhone. It doesn't make sense at all. Flipping an iPhone sideways is a lot more complicated for programmers to support because it changes the entire orientation from portrait to landscape, but a simple flip upside down should be a no-brainer. Everything is the same, except it's upside down.
This is particularly a problem for people like me who place their iPhone in the cup holder when driving. It's a real catch-22. If I place it in the cup right side up, the wire is crushed underneath and it eventually wears out, which can potentially damage not only the wire but the iPhone itself. If I place it in the cup upside down, the wires are safe, but I can't read the screen.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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