Why Are There No Apps for Old Phones?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/30/2017 1:00:00 AM
Upgrading your smartphone is no longer a luxury, it's a necessity, because there are virtually no App for older phones.
What happens to all the old smartphones whenever a new model comes out? Some people trade them in. Other people give them to a younger family member, but the bottom line is, as long as they're not broken, somebody else will use them. Unfortunately, they eventually become obsolete, but why does it have to be that way?
The word "Obsolete" seems strange when it comes to smartphones, because they were cutting edge only a couple of years earlier, and they still work, so why can't you keep on using them? The problem is is that you can't find Apps that work on older phones because the App Stores only include the latest Apps. That's just plain wrong.
There's an easy solution. App Stores should be tailored to each device, so that when somebody with an older phone uses an App Store, they should only see Apps that are compatible with their device. It's not that complicated. All they need to do is filter the results so that it excludes Apps that are designed for newer devices.
For example, let's say you have an iPhone 4, and you want to download an App like Talking Tom Cat for your child. Talking Tom Cat was available when the iPhone 4 was new, so you should be able to download it today... but you can't, because the newest version of Talking Tom Cat is no longer compatible with older models. What Apple should do is keep archives of the earlier versions in the App Store, and whenever somebody with an older model browses the App Store, they should be able to download whichever versions were compatible with that model.
Simply stated, if an App is not compatible with an older device, it shouldn't even show up when somebody searches for it with older models. If an App releases upgrades that no longer work on newer versions, it should remain in the store, but people with older devices can download the last version that was compatible.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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