Idea Of The Day is BACK! Idea of the day #526
Staten Island, NY Posted: 8/25/2018 1:00:00 AM
It's been nearly a year since I've posted a new video on my YouTube Channel, but my new studio is just about ready for prime time and I'm ready to start posting my daily videos.
In today's video, I'm giving you a backstage tour of my new studio. It's still a work in progress, but it's coming together even better than I expected.
In addition to painting the rest of the walls blue (so I have an alternate background for chroma-keying), I've also added a new WhisperRoom voice isolation booth, so I'll have a quiet place to record voice-overs, audio books, and other narration. I've dabbled a bit with voice-overs, having done a few of my own commercials for CouponPages.Com, so I decided to take it to the next level. The Whisper Room is the first of many steps towards that journey.
It may take a few weeks to get back into a regular routine, but my new studio will make it a lot easier. If you haven't done it yet, why not check out my YouTube Channel? I've already posted well over 500 videos, and some of them... don't suck.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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* Note: The ideas on "Idea of the Day" were posted without any formal research into existing inventions.
In some cases, patents may already exist for these ideas, in other cases, there may not be any existing patents and you are free to develop and explore the viability of developing and patenting the ideas.
The authors make no claim that any of the ideas are safe, practical, or suitable for any particular purpose. You are responsible for the results of trying, developing, patenting or using any of the ideas on this site.
For some people, our ideas are just an interesting read, but our goal is to encourage you to take action. If you see an idea that you like, do something with it... Take action.
- Joe