Why Doesn't iPhone Have a Built-In QR Reader?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 7/31/2015 1:00:00 AM
Although there are plenty of iPhone QR Reader Apps available, I find it funny that Apple doesn't include a built-in App.
While it doesn't take long to download a third party App, there are a lot of people who don't have any idea what to look for. To them, these cryptic looking codes are a complete mystery, so they wouldn't even attempt to look for an App.
Those who decide to look for an App are faced with countless Apps that claim to read QR Codes, many of which are completely free. Choosing the best App could be a challenge, especially since most of them look alike.
The reason there are so many free third party QR Reader Apps is that each of the developers stands a chance to earn money whenever you use it. For example, many of them also read regular barcodes, so if you scan a product in a store to compare prices or find reviews, they launch a search page that earns them money, especially if you end up buying the item.
While I have nothing against people earning money from their Apps, I have a problem trusting that the developer isn't filtering results in order to find stores that earn them the biggest commission, or capturing and selling any of my information.
An even bigger problem is that QR Codes can be dangerous, especially if they are from untrusted sources.
Let's say a website hands out flyers in a train station offering a free movie rental when you scan their QR Code. You scan the code, and it redirects you to their site, but it turns out to be a fraud, and they trick you into giving them your personal information, including your credit card number.
If Apple had a built-in QR Reader, they would be able to filter out any sites that are reported to be fraudulent.
This would give people a level of protection that would not be possible using a third party App.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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