When to IGNORE Reviews
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/28/2017 1:00:00 AM
Product reviews are an important part of buying online. Unfortunately, sometimes you need to ignore them.
Like most people, before I order something online, I read as many reviews as possible, but I've learned over the years that a lot of them are fakes. The key is knowing the difference.
As a rule of thumb, when a new product launches, the first bunch of reviews are useless. Some of the early reviews will be 5 star reviews from people associated with the manufacturer, and some will be 1 star reviews from competitors trying to ruin their average score.
For this reason, whenever a product has only a handful of reviews, you should IGNORE most of the 1 or 5 star review and focus on the 3 star reviews. You will rarely see a fake 3 star review.
As the number of reviews grows, you will eventually see a clear pattern. It's nearly impossible for anyone to fake hundreds or thousands of reviews, so you can trust product with large numbers of reviews... good or bad.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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