Got backups?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 10/30/2014 1:00:00 AM
A few hours ago, my computer totally crashed... But I'm not freaking out.
As someone who's been in the computer business since the 70s, I get a lot of calls from people in a total panic. Most of them start with "My computer crashed. I lost everything!"
"Lost everything?"
"Yes... Everything."
"You don't have a backup?"
"I guess you're right. You lost everything."
Thankfully, as a tech guy, I've been able to salvage data from most of those situations, but the truth is, it's not always easy, and there is never a guarantee everything will be intact. Even if your computer isn't used to store important business files, most home computers have thousands of irreplaceable family photos and videos.
The bottom line, every computer will eventually break. Every computer... Including yours. It's just a matter of time.
Don't risk losing everything. Start making backups. There are a number of easy backup solutions, including a flood of online backup companies such as Dropbox, iDrive, Carbonite, Google, Apple and Microsoft.
As for me... whenever one of my computers break. I never panic. I have everything backed up, so I just buy a new one.
P.S. This is actually what just happened, not something I made up to blog about it. I'm posting this from my iPad.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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