Greeting Cards Shouldn't Have Slick Paper Inside
Staten Island, NY Posted: 1/5/2015 1:00:00 AM
Happy Birthday Alice. Here's a $6 card with a blurry message from me on the inside, Ralph.
Let's say Ralph Kramden wants to give his wife, Alice a beautiful card to go along with that special gift he's been saving up for (perhaps a horse with a clock in it's stomach).
He goes to the store, and heads right for the expensive section, after all, Alice is the Greatest. He spots a truly special card. It's expensive, but she's worth it. While she steps away to visit Trixie upstairs, he takes out his pen and starts to fill out the card. Seconds later, the whole thing is a big blur, and it's too late to fix it.
Because of the slick paper inside, that expensive card makes the ink blur like a rorschach test.
Why on earth would an expensive card use slick coated paper on the inside? Don't they know people are going to use that space to write? Not only does slick paper blur easily, but even a ballpoint pen that doesn't smear easily will look terrible on slick paper, because the ink won't flow right. The strange thing is, I noticed this was only an issue with more expensive cards.
I recently browsed through a card store to confirm this. While most cards (thankfully) don't use slick paper on the inside, the only ones that did, cost $5 or more. None of the cheap cards were slick on the inside.
The solution is pretty simple. Card companies shouldn't use slick paper, and whatever paper they use should be tested using a variety of popular pen types. Actually testing a product? What a concept.
While I'm at it... Cards shouldn't have artwork in the three traditional writing areas.
I like to think I'm a creative guy, and I think people should try to think outside the box, but when it comes to greeting cards, there are 3 places inside the card that just about everyone expects to write in, and it drives me crazy when I spot a creative card that has artwork where people write the recipient's name, the date or my signature. Where do they expect people to write?
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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