Iced Tea Soda.
Staten Island, NY Posted: 2/4/2015 1:00:00 AM
Besides water, tea is the most popular drink in the world. It makes you wonder why you never see carbonated tea.
Readers of this blog may remember a while back, I mentioned that I rarely drink soda, so in one post, I suggested that soda companies make non-carbonated cola. After all, some of us non-carbonated drinkers like the flavor of cola. We just don't like the bubbles.
For the same reason, I find it funny that there's never been an effort to build a market for tea soda. Why is that? You would think that if tea is the single most popular flavored drink in the world, there would be a huge market for carbonated tea.
From time to time, I've seen low key distribution of carbonated teas, but they often confuse the buyer by calling them some kind of energy drink, instead of simply producing traditional tea flavors... but in carbonated form.
If you are reading this 10 years from now, there's a pretty good chance you've got a bottle of iced tea soda in your refrigerator. If so, you're welcome.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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