A Virtual Computer... Computer
Staten Island, NY Posted: 4/27/2015 1:00:00 AM
Why not build a computer specifically designed to run virtual computers?
Although it sounds odd, the fact is I would love to buy a computer that doesn't have an operating system... just virtualization software.
For those unfamiliar with Virtualization...
Virtualization software created a revolution in the way people looked at computing. Using a virtual computer, your computer can run multiple operating systems at the same time. What that translates into is completely isolating each operating system session so that anything that you run on one session is incapable of corrupting the other sessions, and it allows people to simultaneously run programs designed for entirely different operating systems.
For example, my current computer is an Apple iMac. Whenever I write Windows software, I boot Windows 8.1 and it fires up in a window alongside anything I'm doing on my Mac. In some cases, I like to test something I'm working on with older versions of Windows, so I boot Windows 7, or even Windows XP... Because I have plenty of RAM, I often run all 3 operating systems AT THE SAME TIME. All I need to do to change sessions is swipe my hand on my trackpad and viola... the other sessions pop up on my screen.
Besides the advantage of running multiple operating systems at the same time, it also lets me "Undo" any session, essentially setting everything back the way it was before the session started, or even back to a saved "Snapshot" of what it was like months ago. So, if I do something wrong in one of those Windows sessions... such as accidentally corrupting the entire Windows folder, all the mistakes go away and it's back to being perfect in just a few clicks. For some people, that could mean any viruses or damaged caused by viruses goes away completely, and you don't need an anti-virus.
So, considering all the benefits of virtual computing, I don't know why nobody has built a computer that has NO OPERATING SYSTEM... just Virtualization Software. Basically, a Virtual Computer Computer would boot directly into the Virtualization software, then let manage, build and launch your virtual computers.
Technically, the Virtual Computer Computer would have an operating system, but it would be stripped to it's essentials, such as a stripped down version of Linux, just enough to create the filesystem and launch the Virtualization software and no other programs. The end user wouldn't interact with the underlying operating system, rendering it completely isolated.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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Posted: 4/27/2015 10:05:19 PM
Simply Jim, Newbie - Web
I'd buy one...
But I'm not sure if the typical computer user even knows what virtualization is, or why it's worth using.
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