An Anonymous Website to Report Bad Drivers
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/15/2015 1:00:00 AM
As Mike Brady used to say... "Nobody likes a Tattle Tale", but the truth is, everybody hates bad drivers.
Let's face it, whenever somebody cuts us off, rides the shoulder, zooms past stop signs or red lights, we all wish there was a cop around to give them a ticket. It's human nature.
Wouldn't it be great of there was a site where we can anonymously post photos of jerks doing something stupid behind the wheel? With cell phones and full time dashboard cameras, it's pretty easy to catch people in the act, and have photos and videos to prove it.
I'm generally a passive guy, so I tend to let people get away with all sorts of things, but the fact is, a lot of these drivers are downright dangerous. While a site like this may not put an end to bad driving, maybe it will make at least some of them think twice.
Legally, I'm not sure if the police can do anything based on a photo or video posted by a private citizen, but I would think that they can take action at least in certain situations. However, just like Traffic Cameras, whatever action they take is generally just a fine, and not points, because a photo can't prove who was driving at the time.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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